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The landing strip and runway on German island of Helogoland begins right on the beach. I’m sure that probably leads to some cool Instagram pictures when planes are about to land when people are enjoying themselves, but on the other had it can be a scary sight to watch as one guy found out. Well, he really didn’t know but when he sees the video he will see how close to death he was while he was asleep.

This guy was almost crushed by the small plane that came in for an upcoming landing. Surprisingly the guy didn’t hear the roaring engine coming in inches of his head and could have easily killed him if he had reacted to the sound.

The pilot manning the plane Juergen Drucker, 52, later apologized for his low landing, “I’m very sorry … the man on the beach I could not see … but I am glad nothing happened to him,” he told a German newspaper.

Luckily for the pilot, no one was injured, but he will have to repair the fence he destroyed in the landing along with some maintenance to the plane during the almost crash landing.

Watch the video below.

Plane Almost Crushes Man, Dude Sleeps Through Entire Incident [VIDEO]  was originally published on