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Is it just me or are bikini bottoms smaller than ever?! I personally love this cheeky trend however as a Pro FitGirl I know this barely there bikini bottom requires one thing and one thing only – a beach body booty! So with you in mind, I designed this RAD workout. All you need beauties is a resistance band and a lot of determination. Start today and before you know it you’ll be ready to show off those ass-ets!

Wait hold up – before you push play check out these three sequence options. You’re gonna love how these five exercises can be organized into three completely different workouts girl.

Option 1: Just A Quickie

If you only have 15 minutes or less this option is for you boo. Do each exercise for 1 minute sans breaks. So that’s five hard core uninterrupted minutes. Take a minute break and repeat the sequence as many times as you can afford. Short, sweet and sweaty. 

Option 2: Cardio Craziness

This is my favorite option because it is the best way to burn crazy calories in a short amount of time. So here’s the deal – first get a hold of a RAD playlist the music is key on this one ladies. While the verse is on, you bring it on with one of the five exercises, then when the chorus comes on do any crazy cardio of your choice until the next verse. You can do burpees, high knees or just shake what your momma gave ya and have a dance party. Do this for at least five songs. I song per exercise. Now that’s a party.  

Option 3: Pyramid Perfection

Hard bodies come from hard work, so this option is for the inner athlete in all of us. The key is to go for the burn. Using a pyramid as your guide follow the five exercise sequence by doing 5 reps of each exercise. Then repeat and do 10 reps, then 15, 20 etc. Go as high as you can go princess because the key is to pump this option out until your legs feel like jello – hello results. 

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!


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5 Easy Exercises To Get Your Booty Beach Ready  was originally published on