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A photo posted by Taye Diggs (@tayediggsinsta) on Nov 18, 2015 at 1:40pm PST


Taye Diggs became a major controversial topic of conversation earlier today, after comments surfaced of how he wants his child to view his ethnicity.

He stated how he wants his biracial son to embrace the fact that he is mixed, and not choose one race over the other, as he is half white and half black.

The comments came in light of his new book, Mixed Me, which encourages those who are mixed to embrace being from different spectrums.

The Internet went into a frenzy after the comments were made, with users criticizing him for not encouraging his son to embrace his blackness.

The actor has released an official statement on the matter, where he explains that he wants his son to embrace being black, but not deny his white half either, which is his mother’s side.

What do you think of Taye’s original comments?


Taye Diggs Responds To Critics Over Wanting His Biracial Son To Not Embrace Being Black  was originally published on