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It seems like every day someone new is voicing their opinion on Colin Kaepernick’s decision to protest the national anthem by sitting instead of standing. Today’s entry into the discussion includes current and former basketball players Steph Curry and Shaquille O’ Neal, respectively. However, their stance on Kaepernick decision is completely opposite, as one is supportive while the other is not.

San Francisco 49ers v San Diego Chargers

Source: Harry How / Getty

Since all of this started with Kaepernick a few weeks ago, Steph Curry has remained mum with his feelings about it, but that all changed today when he firmly lent his support to the football star. As reported by the Huffington Post, Curry states that he is all about freedom of speech.


Via Huffington Post:


Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry told CNBC’s Sara Eisen on Wednesday that he supports Kaepernick’s decision to sit (or kneel) during the national anthem, and that he considers the act an expression of free speech.


“I love that. I love that there’s freedom of speech and he can stand for what he believes in,” he said. “There’s going to be people that disagree with him, there’s going to be people that agree with him, which is what I think our country stands for, which hopefully will drive the conversation to bettering the equal rights and treatment of African-Americans and people of color. I applaud him for taking a stand and hopefully the conversation is about his message, and not, ‘Is he going to stand or is he going to sit for the national anthem?’” Curry added.


Meanwhile, former Lakers star Shaquille O’Neal sang a very different tune on his feelings about Kaeprenick’s protest, focusing on his familial ties to the anthem and the military. The Root has all the details on Shaq’s dismissive opinion, which also questions Kaepernick’s timing on activism.

Shaquille O'Neal

Source: Jason LaVeris / Contributor / Getty

Via The Root:


[Shaquille O’Neal] appeared on (of all places) Fox News to discuss.


“I don’t know Colin, but again, to each his own. I don’t really have a say on it, but I would never do that. My father was a military man, and you know, he protected this country. Uncles are in law enforcement, you know, they go out and work hard every day,” O’Neal said.


O’Neal then went on to allege that Kaepernick had become an activist within the last few weeks. “My question is, ‘How come you didn’t do it last year?’ Or, ‘How come you didn’t do it when you first entered the NFL?’” O’Neal asked. “Just, [there are] other ways to get your point across,” he continued.


While it’s is perfectly fine to have a difference of opinion and voice it publicly, Shaq questioning Kaepernick’s authenticity on activism seems to be a bit much and almost becomes a personal attack. Had he just left it at the anthem, his statement would have been better received.


Check out more Colin Kaepernick here:

Steph Curry Backs Colin Kaepernick’s Anthem Protest, But Shaquille O’Neal Questions His Timing On Activism  was originally published on