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In the last seven days, we’ve seen the continuation of dangerous and divisive rhetoric disseminated by President Trump. The narratives enacted during the campaign trail now have the breath of life, because the President is building legislation around them. Since January 20, he’s wasted no time taking the first steps towards advancing an agenda that will have a far-reaching impact on global and domestic affairs.

We’ve gathered all of the controversial actions President Trump has taken since Inauguration Day.


Trump signs an executive order to repeal Obamacare

Just hours after the inauguration, Trump began the process of unraveling Obama’s hallmark legislation, the Affordable Care Act.



President Trump Touts Lies Over The Number Of Inauguration Attendees

At an awkward appearance before the CIA, Trump swears the number of attendees reached millions and lambasted the media over what he deemed as biased coverage.

But the side-by-side pictures told us otherwise. On the left is a photo of Trump’s ceremony on January 20; while the right shows a photo taken from Obama’s inauguration in 2013.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer Takes A Combative Tone Towards Reporters In An Unusual Press Conference

In front of a barrage of reporters, the newly appointed press liaison threw serious jabs, accusing the media of “deliberately false reporting” in regards to crowd numbers at the inauguration.



Trump Adviser Gives Birth To The ‘Alternative Fact’ Narrative

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the President, does her best to promote and protect Trump’s fictional story regarding the inauguration crowd during a Sunday appearance on Meet The Press.


Trump Signs A Motherload Of Executive Orders: Dismantles Free Trade, Enacts Global Gag Rule On Abortion and A Federal Hiring Freeze

The actions include withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans Pacific-Partnership deal and a freeze on federal hiring. The global gag rule bars foreign aid recipients or non-governmental agencies from supporting abortion, causing widespread fear among pro-choice supporters.

President Trump Begins Dangerous Rhetoric About Why He Lost The Popular Vote

Trump claims he lost the popular vote in the ’16 election because 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants were allowed to vote. He promised to investigate domestic voter fraud. His actions could set off the framework for widespread voter suppression, which would significantly impact immigrants and minorities. On Tuesday, the White House doubled down on the accusations.



Trump Signs Order That Will Advance Dakota Access and Keystone XL Oil Pipelines

The orders were met with staunch disapproval among indigenous leaders and activists. Scores of protesters took to the streets to demonstrate, including a protest outside Trump Towers in New York and the White House in D.C.

Greenpeace activists scaled a crane near the White House to hang a large “RESIST” sign on Wednesday.



Trump Makes His Vision Clear And Comes For Immigrants And Mexico In Two Executive Orders

Delivering on a controversial campaign promise, Trump signed an executive order that would begin construction on a border wall between Mexico and the U.S. In one of the most striking orders, he halted immigration for 30 days from predominantly Muslim countries including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

SOURCE: The New York Times


President Trump And Mexican President Peña Nieto Spar Over The Border Wall

On Thursday morning, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto canceled a January 31 meeting with President Trump over continued back and forth regarding the construction and payment of a border wall that would bar entry into the U.S. Mark Mason, Chief of U.S. Border Patrol, left his post as head of the agency in charge of securing America’s borders between Canada and Mexico.

Several Top State Department Officials Leave Their Posts In Trump’s First Week As President

Four senior level officials left their posts days within the appointment of State Department head Rex Tillerson. Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy, assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond, Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office of Foreign Missions, round out the list of named officials

SOURCE: The Washington Post, AP, New York Daily News, CBS News


Scores Of State Dept. Workers Decamp As Trump Is Accused Of Fearmongering

President Donald Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims Could Lead To More Voter Suppression

Our Difficult First Week With President Donald Trump  was originally published on